
Remote tutor sessions

For added flexibility, I also offer Barton Remote Tutoring.

Remote tutoring provides us with the ability to conduct tutoring sessions over the computer via Zoom, a video-meeting platform.

Students still receive the same specialized tutoring. Students can now attend while on vacation or in their own home. Remote sessions are still multi-sensory and include the same colorful tiles they manipulate with their mouse on the computer screen. We also have access to the same Barton stories and worksheets. Online Barton approved learning games are also available that we can play to help solidify concepts being learned.

Remote sessions are 50 minutes in length and the cost for a remote session is the same as on-site tutoring. The same amount of lesson preparation is required whether a student is on-Site or remote.

Many of my current families have appreciated the flexibility in choosing remote for one or more of their student's sessions. Remote has helped them immensely with coordinating other scheduled activities. It has also helped alleviate the stress in trying to arrive on time to their on-site Barton sessions during peak traffic periods. Remote tutoring has also allowed the ability to continue our progress after a move or even during vacation if requested.

Please contact me for a free preview of Remote Barton Tutoring.

Commonly Asked Questions about Online Tutoring

This question section is offered courtesy of Karen Isaacson, Certified Barton Reading and Spelling Tutor.

What is online tutoring?

Remote online tutoring is live, personalized tutoring. It takes place on a computer screen via a web-conferencing platform called "Zoom."

How does online tutoring work?

The student signs into the Zoom website and meets with me, one-on-one, using a web camera. This service is free of charge to the student. Using a screen-sharing program, students can see the colorful tiles, workbook pages, and other Barton materials that are used in a physical classroom, enabling the same "hands on" approach.

What are the benefits of online tutoring?

Are students attentive during online lessons?

Yes! I have a creative, highly interactive style, and I keep the pace moving along so that my students stay actively engaged.

In addition, online lessons create distinct eye contact between the student and tutor, via the computer screen. Students tend to pay attention more fully because they are looking me in the face. This can prove to be even more effective than sitting side by side in person. They are captivated by my facial expressions and dramatic gestures, which they have full view of on the screen!

Setup for Remote Tutoring Sessions

Remote Barton Tutoring Setup Checklist

Please contact me when you have everything set up. We will schedule a time to check compatibility.

Cindy Deagen
Reading & Spelling Success
Advanced Level Certified Barton Tutor
